Bringing your products to life
Digital services
Digital mockups
What does it mean to have the control to clearly visualize ideas before you ever go to the expense of printing and shipping?
As long as we have a picture of what you need mocked up, that's exactly the power you'll have.
Considering a point of purchase display but you're not sure how to sell the idea to your suppliers? Mock it up.
Need a box for your jams for that presentation meeting with Costco but don't have anything printed? Mock it up, get the contract, then you get it printed.
Digital illustrations
What if you have an idea in your mind for your packaging but it's not something that a photographer could do?
I'm not sure why you'd want a horse smashing through a light bulb…ouch! …but something like this could only happen in a digital world.
Sometimes it's the short timeframes to press or the lower cost of having something digitally created, or in this case, maybe the fruit may not be in season.
The earth's pride berries in a bowl are a composite of several stock photography images brought together.
Photo retouching
Most of the time, retouching is not as dramatic as these bratwursts going from fried to barbecued but if you like an image that much, we can certainly put them on the digital grill for you.
Whether you're looking for technical illustrations, or icons to go with instructions, or perhaps a dramatic image for your packaging, we certainly have the know how and creative talent to bring it all to together.